Amber |
England |
Assistant, Admin, Career and College Promise |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50263 |
Student Support Services |
akengland@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 323 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cynthia |
Graves |
Director, Business and Service Sector Training |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53037 |
Business and Industry |
cmgraves@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 220 |
Greensboro Campus |
Shrell |
Lindsay |
Assistant, Administrative, Veteran's Office |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50401 |
Financial Aid |
allindsay@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2401 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mit |
Sunnassee |
Assistant, Administrative, HP Campus, Stu Suc Ctr |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55016 |
Student Success Services |
mpsunnassee@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 121 |
High Point Campus |
Steve |
Turner |
Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50642 |
Humanities-Soc Sciences Admin |
stturner@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 150 |
Jamestown Campus |
Berrilyn |
Cross |
Director, Student Life |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50124 |
Student Activities |
bvcross@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1203 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Evans |
Technician, Senior, Operations, Campus Store |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53028 |
Campus Store |
awevans@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) |
Greensboro Campus |
Keith |
Burkhead |
Librarian, GB |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53017 |
Library |
bkburkhead@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 224 |
Greensboro Campus |
Lenora |
Taylor |
Assistant, Administrative, Campus Police |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50724 |
Campus Police |
ldtaylor@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 139 |
Jamestown Campus |
April |
Thompson |
Instructor, Academic Related (ACA) |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Academic Preparedness |
ajthompson@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.10 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lisa |
Koretoff |
Director, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50317 |
Financial Aid |
lakoretoff@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3315 |
Jamestown Campus |
Terence |
Garraway |
Instructor, Civil Engineering |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53034 |
Civil Engineering Technology |
trgarraway@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 342 |
Greensboro Campus |
Thomas |
Riddle |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50455 |
English |
thriddle@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200L |
Jamestown Campus |
Stanley |
Lawhorne |
Instructor, Criminal Justice, OE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50448 |
Criminal Justice Technology |
selawhorne@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 165 |
Jamestown Campus |
Heather |
Hooper |
Technician, Accounts Payable |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50142 |
Finance |
hdhooper@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4416 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lula |
Brown |
Clerk, Operations, Campus Store |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53012 |
Campus Store |
ldbrown@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 136 |
Greensboro Campus |
Mark |
Harrison |
Instructor, Accounting |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50353 |
Accounting |
meharrison2@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-D |
Jamestown Campus |
Tiffany |
McCauley |
Analyst, Course and Classroom Scheduling (Curr.) |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50530 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
ttmccauley@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1666 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sybil |
Newman |
Officer, College Advancement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55072 |
Foundation |
slnewman@gtcc.edu |
B&I Conference Center T-2 |
Jamestown Campus |
Arnessa |
Thompson |
Director, Full-Time Enrollment Auditing |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50454 |
FTE Auditing |
adrichbourg@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1669 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Loftis |
Coordinator, Basic Law Enforcement Training(BLET) |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50058 |
Basic Law Enforcement Training |
wdloftis@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 165 |
Jamestown Campus |
Melissa |
Kinney |
Specialist, Senior, Human Resources |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50613 |
Human Resources |
mlkinney@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4307 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jerry |
Hunt |
Instructor, Computer Integrated Machining |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53033 |
Machining Technology |
jmhunt1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1404 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lai'Anna |
Martin |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50156 |
Information Technology Svcs |
ldmartin@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1176 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kimberly |
Jordan |
Instructor, Healthcare & Office Admin |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50294 |
Healthcare & Office Administra |
kcjordan@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 117-J |
Jamestown Campus |
Tom |
English |
Instructor, Astronomy |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50023 |
Physics |
trenglish@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 128 |
Jamestown Campus |
Shann |
Ferreira |
Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50182 |
Advertising and Graphic Design |
snferreira@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 112 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sharon |
Brown |
Instructor, Accounting |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50257 |
Accounting |
sjbrown@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-F |
Jamestown Campus |
Anthony |
Edwards |
Worker, Grounds Crew |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Grounds Maintenance |
aedwards@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Amy |
Huffman |
Instructor, Early Childhood Education |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50267 |
Early Childhood Education |
abhuffman@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 129 |
Jamestown Campus |
Astrid |
Hoy |
Instructor, Information Systems Security |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50534 |
Information Systems |
aihoy@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 245-G |
Jamestown Campus |
Pamela |
Ostwalt-Craver |
Assistant, Information |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 0 |
College Information Center |
pjcraver@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3101 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Terry |
Coordinator, Fire Academy |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50194 |
Fire & Rescue Occ Con Ed |
wjterry@gtcc.edu |
Emergency Responder Training Center 102 |
Jamestown Campus |
John |
Withrow |
Instructor, Social Science |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50575 |
Social Sci - Ant, Psy, Soc |
jswithrow@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Alan |
Romano |
Instructor, Culinary Technology |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50464 |
Culinary Technology |
aromano@gtcc.edu |
Koury Hospitality Careers Center 269 |
Jamestown Campus |
Krista |
Neelley |
Assistant, Administrative, Humanities & Social Sci |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50096 |
Humanities-Soc Sciences Admin |
kpneelley@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 335 |
Jamestown Campus |
Velina |
Ebert |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55023 |
Student Success Services |
vhebert@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3107 |
Jamestown Campus |
Craig |
Koretoff |
Instructor, Drafting, CAD |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53056 |
Mechanical Engineering Tech/Dr |
cgkoretoff@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 321 |
Greensboro Campus |
Carlton |
Lindsay |
Instructor, Automotive System Tech, Ford Asset |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50541 |
Automotive Systms Tech-General |
cdlindsay1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1503 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bill |
Raines |
Instructor, Spanish |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50441 |
Department of Foreign Language |
bbraines@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 125-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Jesse |
Cross |
Director, Admissions |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50125 |
Admissions |
jlcross@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2503 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joey |
Jeffers |
Director, Program, Physical Therapist Assistant |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50280 |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
jnjeffers@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 124 |
Jamestown Campus |
Timothy |
Burress |
Instructor, History |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55065 |
History |
tdburress@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353A |
Jamestown Campus |
Christopher |
Eberhart |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
cleberhart@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Henry |
Fierro |
Instructor, Psychology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50189 |
Psychology |
hjfierro@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 335 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Carter |
Vice President, Business and Finance/CFO |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50080 |
Finance |
amcarter@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4102 |
Jamestown Campus |
Anthony |
Norman |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
adnorman@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 115 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jay |
Dejohn |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50140 |
Mathematics |
jjdejohn@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 218 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dwayne |
Washburn |
Instructor, Auto Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50551 |
Automotive Systms Tech-General |
dwashburn@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1516 |
Jamestown Campus |
Keith |
Jenkins |
Instructor, Physical Therapist Assistant |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50282 |
Physical Therapist Assistant |
kpjenkins@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 122 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ernest |
Lawson |
Director, Counseling & Disability Access Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50323 |
Counseling |
elawson@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3800 |
Jamestown Campus |
James |
Simpson |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53026 |
Campus Police |
jwsimpson@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 147 |
Greensboro Campus |
L.J. |
Rush |
Director, Program, Culinary & Hospitality Mgmt |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50468 |
Culinary Technology |
lrush@gtcc.edu |
Koury Hospitality Careers Center 275 |
Jamestown Campus |
Paul |
Campbell |
Instructor, Computer Technologies-Cyber Crime/Sec |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50828 |
Cyber Crime Technology |
pmcampbell1@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 245 F |
Jamestown Campus |
Latifa |
Chahoua |
Instructor, Chemistry |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50087 |
Chemistry |
lchahoua@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 303 |
Jamestown Campus |
Herbert |
Everett |
Manager, Marketing Systems |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50555 |
Marketing Systems |
hteverett@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 119 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joseph |
Rowland |
Registrar, Assistant |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50465 |
Registrars Office |
jprowland@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3502 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Dowd |
Instructor, Culinary (Baking and Pastry) |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50253 |
Culinary Arts |
mwdowd@gtcc.edu |
Koury Hospitality Careers Center 268 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jane |
Brandsma |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50719 |
Mathematics |
jabrandsma@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 214 |
Aviation Center |
Donald |
Ellington |
Instructor, Welding Technology |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50411 |
Welding Technology |
djellington@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1301 |
Jamestown Campus |
Laurie |
Bargebuhr |
Coordinator, Apprenticeship |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 57006 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
lfbargebuhr@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1509 |
Jamestown Campus |
Duane |
Boone |
Assistant, Administrative, Aviation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64020 |
Division Administration Tdiv |
dlboone1@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 205 |
Aviation Center |
Shellaine |
Coney |
Assistant, Program, Limited Entry Admission |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50439 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
shconey@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 140 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dahmesha |
Jackson |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
dljackson@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Greensboro Campus |
Michelle |
Dolin |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59025 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
mldolin@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 123 |
Aviation Center |
Kevin |
Crowder |
Department Chair, History and Political Science |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50126 |
History |
klcrowder@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 346 |
Jamestown Campus |
LaToya |
McCandies |
Director, Payroll Services and Disbursements |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50355 |
Payroll |
lnmccandies@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4404 |
Jamestown Campus |
Amy |
Byerly |
Assistant, Administrative, Occupational Extension |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53062 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
aeleonard@gtcc.edu |
Business Careers (Business Hall) 205 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joy |
Lough |
Instructor, Business Administration - Entr |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50159 |
Business Administration |
allough@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-S |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Coleman |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
wwcoleman@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers |
Jamestown Campus |
John |
Carver |
Instructor, Computer Info Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50082 |
Information Systems |
jrcarver@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 245-D |
Jamestown Campus |
Nita |
Little |
Instructor, Dental Assisting |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50186 |
Dental Assisting |
qrlittle@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 119 |
Jamestown Campus |
Natashia |
McEachern |
Director, Titan Link |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50310 |
Student Success Services |
ntmceachern@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 321 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dr. Mark |
Headen |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50247 |
Mathematics |
mdheaden@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 127 |
Jamestown Campus |
James |
Milam |
Instructor, Turfgrass Management |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53068 |
Turfgrass Mgmt Technology |
jamilam@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 102-A |
Greensboro Campus |
Arnetta |
Williams |
Clerk, Accounts Payable |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50369 |
Finance |
alwilliams17@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4414 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rhonda |
Owens |
Instructor, Associate Degree Nursing |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50412 |
Nursing |
rjowens@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 238 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mindy |
Wray |
Director, Program, Medical Assisting |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50428 |
Medical Assisting |
mawray@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 126 |
Jamestown Campus |
Thomas |
Freeman |
Instructor, Aviation Management/Career Pilot |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59049 |
Aviation Management and Career |
tcfreeman@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 210 |
Aviation Center |
Christal |
McLaughlin |
Assistant, Administrative, Human Resources |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50269 |
Human Resources |
crmclaughlin@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4300 |
Jamestown Campus |
Paul |
Savage |
Administrator/Analyst, ITS Security |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50381 |
Information Technology Svcs |
pwsavage@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carlos |
Samayoa |
Instructor, Phlebotomy/Cardiac Monitoring Trng Pgm |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55095 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
casamayoa@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 220 |
High Point Campus |
Donald |
Miller |
Custodian - Conference Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Conference Center |
dwmiller1@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry |
Cameron Campus |
George |
Smith |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
gcsmith1@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Vernita |
Zeigler |
Assistant, Administrative, Student Success Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50833 |
Student Success Services |
vwzeigler@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jerome |
Phillips |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53069 |
Information Technology Svcs |
japhillips@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 119 |
Greensboro Campus |
Stephanie |
Mearite |
Assistant, Administrative, Executive |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50547 |
Student Support Services |
sdmearite@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4600 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kristy |
Powell |
Technician, Admissions, Application Processing |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50371 |
Admissions |
klpowell@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Denise |
Knight |
Instructor, Psychology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50417 |
Psychology |
dlknight1@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 116B |
Jamestown Campus |
Kelly |
Simpson |
Instructor, Communication |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55082 |
Communications |
kisimpson@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 125-H |
Jamestown Campus |
Heather |
Cutler |
Instructor, Biology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50686 |
Biology |
hecutler@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 108 |
Greensboro Campus |
Jason |
Jones |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
jajones21@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Laura |
Dibble |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50153 |
Student Success Services |
lmdibble@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3108 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Womack |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50045 |
Student Success Services |
aswomack@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3113 |
Jamestown Campus |
Matthew |
Thorpe |
Director, Program, Fire Occ. Ext & Fire Acad Trng |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50195 |
Fire & Rescue Occ Con Ed |
mbthorpe@gtcc.edu |
Emergency Responder Training Center 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Mackey |
Director, Student Recruitment |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50336 |
Student Recruitment |
mjmackey@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2201-B |
Jamestown Campus |
James |
Carrier Ph.D. |
Instructor, Computer Info Technology |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50078 |
Computer Science Applications |
jacarrier@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 222 |
Jamestown Campus |
Juanita |
Belo |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
jlbelo@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
N/A |
Nicole |
Childress |
Instructor, Dental Hygiene |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50501 |
Dental Hygiene |
ngchildress@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 101A |
Jamestown Campus |
Donna |
Edwards |
Advisor, Career/Enrollment Coach, WCE |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53039 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
dkedwards@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 236 |
Greensboro Campus |
Marie |
Collins |
Clerk, Senior, Accounting |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50103 |
Finance |
mpcollins@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3401 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cherrie |
Miller |
Analyst, Course and Classroom Scheduling (NC) |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64022 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
clmiller@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1665 |
Jamestown Campus |
John |
Thornton |
Instructor, Auto Systems Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50433 |
Automotive Systms Tech-General |
jethornton@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1505 |
Jamestown Campus |
Anthony |
Hill |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
alhill8@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Lawson |
Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50322 |
Advertising and Graphic Design |
mrlawson@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 110 |
Jamestown Campus |
Benji |
Stanley |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50831 |
Nursing |
bstanley1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 224 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tonya |
Welch |
Director, Program, Pharmacy Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55079 |
Pharmacy Technology |
tpwelch@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 305 |
High Point Campus |
Darrin |
Davis |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53015 |
Campus Police |
djdavis2@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 148 |
Greensboro Campus |
Lorie |
Rabon |
Specialist, Inventory Control |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50440 |
Finance |
lerabon@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4428 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sheila |
Helms |
Coach, Career |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53075 |
Career Services |
skhelms@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 112 |
Greensboro Campus |
Brooke |
Hutchins |
Instructor, Dental Hygiene |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50213 |
Dental Hygiene |
bshutchins1@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 101D |
Jamestown Campus |
Stewart |
Frye |
Technician, Senior, Duplicating Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50211 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
sefrye@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Laura |
Lemmer |
Instructor, Dental Hygiene |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50568 |
Dental Hygiene |
lalemmer@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 115C |
Jamestown Campus |
Lisa |
Dunlap |
Manager, Employee Benefits and Wellness |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50693 |
Human Resources |
ltdunlap@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4304 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jimmy |
Fairley |
Supervisor, General Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50217 |
Maintenance |
jdfairley@gtcc.edu |
Auto Body Repair Building 108 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rodney |
Coble |
Supervisor, Electrical, Interim |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
racoble@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Smith |
Instructor, Lead, Human Resources Dev |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55057 |
Human Resources Development (H |
jfsmith@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 136 |
High Point Campus |
Joseph |
Willard |
Technician, II, HVAC |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50164 |
Maintenance |
jpwillard@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jan |
Knox |
Vice President, College Advancement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50356 |
Foundation |
jhknox@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4107 |
Jamestown Campus |
Donna |
Crook |
Specialist, Career Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50806 |
Career Services |
dlcrook@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3122 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angie |
Smith |
Analyst, Curriculum & Instructional Systems |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50671 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
apsmith1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1664 |
Jamestown Campus |
Luna |
Samuel |
Assistant, Administrative, Student Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55066 |
Student Support Services |
llsamuel@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 103 |
High Point Campus |
Mary |
McFarland |
Assistant, Administrative, Bus, Creative & PA |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50361 |
Bus Creative Perf Arts Admin |
mamcfarland@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 103 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bunnie |
Lynn |
Technician, Records |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50334 |
Registrars Office |
btlynn@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3504 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sherry |
Beck |
Technician, Admissions, Application Processing |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50077 |
Admissions |
skbeck@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Helen |
Townsend |
Assistant, Information |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 0 |
College Information Center |
hstownsend@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lloyd |
Christopher |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
lchristopher@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Carreau |
Technician, Records |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50302 |
Registrars Office |
jjcarreau@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3504 |
Jamestown Campus |
Amber |
Currin |
Manager, Assistant, Campus Stores |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50373 |
Campus Store |
accurrin@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1501 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Safrit |
Assistant, Admin, Hum Svc, Pub Sft, Hth & PE |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50393 |
Human Services Technology |
ajsafrit@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 158 |
Jamestown Campus |
Terry |
Clanton |
Director, Prgm, Law Enforc In-Serv & Pre-Serv Trg |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50395 |
Basic Law Enforcement Training |
tlclanton@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 163 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Korotitsch |
Instructor, Psychology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50609 |
Psychology |
wjkorotitsch@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 116-D |
Jamestown Campus |
Christopher |
Melvin |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52929 |
Campus Police |
clmelvin1@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Charles |
Mayer |
Coordinator, Career Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50178 |
Career Services |
cmayer@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3124 |
Jamestown Campus |
Nicola |
Braboy |
Technician, Application Processing/Document Mgmt. |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50675 |
Admissions |
nmbraboy@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Antoine |
Crite |
Coordinator, Academic Tutor, CTE |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50368 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
abcrite@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.12 |
Jamestown Campus |
Christine |
Kayhko |
Coordinator, Donor Relations and Operations |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Foundation |
cmkayhko@gtcc.edu |
B&I Conference Center 101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Larry |
Fiscus |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
lafiscus@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Mitchell |
Campus Police Telecommunicator |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50437 |
Campus Police |
awmitchell1@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 104 |
Jamestown Campus |
Alex |
Stout |
Campus Police Corporal |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55006 |
Campus Police |
awstout1@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 128 |
High Point Campus |
Lc |
Roberson |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59007 |
Campus Police |
lcroberson@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 118 |
Aviation Center |
Valarie |
Allen |
Clerk, Accounting |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50372 |
Finance |
vdallen@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3401 |
Jamestown Campus |
Charles |
Fox |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64023 |
Campus Police |
cgfox@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 172 |
Cameron Campus |
Tammy |
Rice |
Coordinator, Scholarship |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50305 |
Financial Aid |
terice@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3310 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tommy |
Hicks |
Campus Police Corporal |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50819 |
Campus Police |
tghicks@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 128 |
High Point Campus |
Andrew |
Riedell |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64005 |
Campus Police |
awriedell@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 173 |
Cameron Campus |
Rosalind |
Townsend |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
rdmccoy@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Tonya |
Raleigh |
Assistant, Administrative, Executive |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50843 |
Maintenance |
traleigh@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1137 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carol |
Kirkpatrick |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
cjkirkpatrick@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Keith |
Springs |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53080 |
Campus Police |
kdsprings1@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 148 |
Greensboro Campus |
Jonathan |
Heard |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
jheard@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
MacIntosh |
Campus Police Lieutenant |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52398 |
Campus Police |
mrmacintosh@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 110 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mary |
Pierce |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50149 |
English |
mpierce@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353-J |
Jamestown Campus |
Demorrise |
Anderson |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
danderson@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 128 |
High Point Campus |
Britt |
Ridge |
Technician, II, HVAC |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50273 |
Maintenance |
nbridge@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Danyell |
Huntley |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
dlhuntley2@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Glenice |
Woodard |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53130 |
English |
gdwoodard@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 118 |
Greensboro Campus |
Warren |
Crow |
Director, Program, Health Careers & Nursing Asst. |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50388 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
rwcrow@gtcc.edu |
Business Careers (Business Hall) 205 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michelle |
Hines |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50506 |
English |
mlhines1@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 324 |
Jamestown Campus |
Suzanne |
Johnson-Simpson |
Instructor, Communication |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50404 |
Communications |
snjohnsonsimpson@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 125-F |
Jamestown Campus |
Ronald |
Rogers |
Campus Police Lieutenant |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53102 |
Campus Police |
rerogers2@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 135 |
Jamestown Campus |
Christine |
Smith |
Instructor, Health & Phys Ed |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50643 |
Physical Education/Health |
cjsmith@gtcc.edu |
YMCA 118 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cameron |
Conover |
Instructor, Automotive Systems Technology |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50155 |
Automotive Systms Tech-General |
chconover@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1513 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mary |
Bostic |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
mebostic@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
Shawn |
Dee |
Manager, Retail Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50133 |
Campus Store |
sgdee@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1501 |
Jamestown Campus |
Robert |
Edwards |
Campus Police Corporal |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53129 |
Campus Police |
reedwards@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 109 |
Jamestown Campus |
Monica |
Young |
Director, Library |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50587 |
Library |
mwyoung@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 107 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sabrina |
Johnson |
Instructor, Health & Phys Ed/Volleyball Coach |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50288 |
Physical Education/Health |
shjohnson@gtcc.edu |
YMCA 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dina |
Nasreddin |
Coordinator, Loan |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50425 |
Financial Aid |
dnasreddin@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3313 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mary |
Bell |
Coach, Early Middle College, Student Success, HP |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55005 |
Student Support Services |
mkbell@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 134-B |
High Point Campus |
Amy |
Bray |
Coordinator, Business and Service Sector Training |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53115 |
Business and Industry |
albray@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 239 |
Greensboro Campus |
Marcia |
Farrow |
Supervisor, Custodial Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50266 |
Housekeeping |
mmfarrow@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joshua |
Baker |
Instructor, Collision Repair & Refinishing Tech |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50031 |
Autobody Repair |
jbbaker@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1812 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rhonda |
Mock |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50266 |
Housekeeping |
rlmock@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall |
Jamestown Campus |
Jamie |
Doom |
Buyer, Senior |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50311 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
jedoom@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1175 |
Jamestown Campus |
Matt |
Apple |
Programmer, Senior, eLearning |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50187 |
eLearning |
jmapple@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 100-K |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Ray |
Instructor, Spanish |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50444 |
Department of Foreign Language |
jsray@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 112 |
High Point Campus |
Clinton |
Roberson |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55041 |
Campus Police |
clroberson1@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 128 |
High Point Campus |
Michele |
Prairie |
Instructor, Culinary, Baking & Pastry |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50431 |
Culinary Technology |
maprairie@gtcc.edu |
Koury Hospitality Careers Center 273 |
Jamestown Campus |
Demetria |
Siler |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50458 |
English |
dnsiler@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 119 |
Jamestown Campus |
Leeann |
Anderson |
Director, ESOL |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53038 |
Basic Skills Programs |
landerson@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 136 |
Greensboro Campus |
Joyce |
Johnson |
Assistant, Senior, Information |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 0 |
College Information Center |
jajohnson@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carla |
Ugboro |
Director, Employee Development and Engagement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50228 |
Organizational Development |
cmugboro@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4405 |
Jamestown Campus |
Amelia |
Phillips Hale |
Coordinator, Marketing and Communications |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50564 |
Marketing/Public Information |
agphillipshale@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 109 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sherry |
Waddell |
Technician, I, Audit |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50283 |
FTE Auditing |
sawaddell@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1657 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kristin |
Dotson |
Director, Institutional Support & Special Projects |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50160 |
Finance |
kkdotson@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4426 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kathleen |
Washington |
Coordinator, Testing Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53044 |
Basic Skills Programs |
knwashington1@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 140 |
Greensboro Campus |
Janice |
Troy |
Coordinator, Truck Driver Training |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53014 |
Business and Industry |
jstroy@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 3501 |
Greensboro Campus |
Megan |
Simpson |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50492 |
English |
mgsimpson@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1507 |
Jamestown Campus |
Diane |
Hogue |
Campus Security Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53095 |
Campus Police |
dbhogue@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 148 |
Greensboro Campus |
Chad |
Phillips |
Instructor, Electronics Engineering Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53078 |
Electronics Engineering Tech |
chphillips@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 311 |
Greensboro Campus |
Maria |
Colozzi |
Assistant, Administrative, Executive, Senior |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50104 |
Presidents Office |
mkcolozzi@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4100 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kimberly |
Mills |
Administrator, Web Content |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50397 |
Marketing Systems |
ksmills@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Andrea |
Allmond |
Analyst, Data |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50755 |
Information Technology Svcs |
alallmond@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1154 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeffrey |
Underwood |
Director, Program, AC/Heating & Refrigeration |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53046 |
A/C, Heating, & Refrigeration |
jwunderwood@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 316 |
Greensboro Campus |
Deborah |
Fondow |
Director, Program, Healthcare & Office Admin |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50200 |
Healthcare & Office Administra |
dlfondow@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 117-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Melissa |
King |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
making5@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Moore |
Instructor, Business Administration |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50094 |
Business Administration |
jmoore25@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-G |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Stout |
Director, Purchasing and Contract Administration |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50196 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
mcstout@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1174 |
Jamestown Campus |
Scott |
Perry |
Technician, I, HVAC |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
sdperry@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Julie |
Dixon |
Instructor, Psychology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50474 |
Psychology |
jadixon3@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 116E |
Jamestown Campus |
Matt |
Davis |
Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50374 |
Grounds Maintenance |
mldavis4@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Thomas |
Hancock |
Instructor, Biology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53052 |
Biology |
tehancock@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 107 |
Greensboro Campus |
Sonya |
Comer |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
srcomer@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
High Point Campus |
Zebidiah |
Downey |
Instructor, Welding Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50168 |
Welding Technology |
zpdowney@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1521 |
Jamestown Campus |
Laura |
Altizer |
Accountant, Senior, Budgets and Construction |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50204 |
Finance |
lmaltizer@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4425 |
Jamestown Campus |
Stacey |
Inman |
Director, Program, Human Services Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50804 |
Hum Srvcs-Addiction & Recovery |
shinman@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 326 |
High Point Campus |
Ricky |
Baker |
Librarian, Public Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50519 |
Library |
rdbaker2@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 107 |
Jamestown Campus |
Stacey |
Parrish |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53072 |
Student Success Services |
slparrish@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center |
Jamestown Campus |
Matthew |
Duehring |
Instructor, Adult Education |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Basic Skills Programs |
mwduehring@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
High Point Campus |
Sterling |
Dixon |
Technician, I, HVAC |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
sdixon5@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kathy |
Grant |
Instructor, Cosmetology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50557 |
Cosmetology |
kfgrant@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 111 |
Jamestown Campus |
Nathaniel |
Gray |
Instructor, Welding Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50757 |
Welding Technology |
nmgray@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1520 |
Jamestown Campus |
Anya |
Michael |
Director, Assistant, Advising and Onboarding Serv |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50364 |
Student Success Services |
ammichael@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Martha |
Barham |
Instructor, Nursing |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50252 |
Nursing |
mdbarham1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 232 |
Jamestown Campus |
Teresa |
Scalf |
Department Chair, Humanities, Philosophy,Religion |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50638 |
Humanities |
tfscalf@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 333 |
Jamestown Campus |
Steven |
Hatch |
Instructor, Welding Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50832 |
Welding Technology |
sjhatch@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1521 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jameson |
McCann |
Instructor, Coordinator, Biotechology |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50357 |
Biology |
jamccann@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 322 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sabrina |
Boyer |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50635 |
English |
slboyer@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 118 |
High Point Campus |
Steve |
Taylor |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50523 |
English |
sjtaylor@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 212 |
Jamestown Campus |
Steven |
Johnson |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55045 |
Information Technology Svcs |
sljohnson11@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 110 |
High Point Campus |
Connie |
Tyre |
Coach, Student Success, Career and College Promise |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50319 |
Student Support Services |
cbtyre@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 335 |
Jamestown Campus |
Garland |
Currin |
Instructor, Welding Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50434 |
Welding Technology |
gccurrin@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1523 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kathi |
Riffe |
Director, Accounting and Reporting |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50457 |
Finance |
klriffe@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4420 |
Jamestown Campus |
Amanda |
Fields |
Department Chair, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50459 |
English |
ajfields3@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 320 |
Jamestown Campus |
Linda |
Justice |
Coordinator, Guest Services/Events |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50295 |
Conference Center |
lsjustice@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 111 |
Cameron Campus |
Gretchen |
Parlier |
Accountant, Staff |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50274 |
Finance |
dgparlier@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4410 |
Jamestown Campus |
Greg |
Briggs |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50266 |
Housekeeping |
gmbriggs@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeremy |
Plumley |
Administrator, Network |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50024 |
Information Technology Svcs |
jmplumley@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ruffin |
Price |
Director, Staffing & HR Operations |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50610 |
Human Resources |
rwprice1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4303 |
Jamestown Campus |
Gracon |
Burch |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
gcburch@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Greensboro Campus |
Kehaya |
Wescott |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53043 |
Student Success Services |
ktwescott@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 132 |
Greensboro Campus |
Sierra |
Graham |
Assistant, Administrative, Public Service Technolo |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50223 |
Human Services Technology |
slgraham@gtcc.edu |
Emergency Responder Training Center 103 |
Jamestown Campus |
Nazia |
Shaheen |
Technician, Senior, Accounting |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50460 |
Finance |
nshaheen@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3401 |
Jamestown Campus |
Columbus |
Harbison |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50266 |
Housekeeping |
charbison@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Brenda |
Brown |
Supervisor, Custodial, Evenings |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
bbrown12@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
Crystal |
Richardson |
Assistant, Administrative, Adult Education |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55002 |
Basic Skills Programs |
cfrichardson@gtcc.edu |
Basic Skills Building (H3) 125 |
High Point Campus |
Catina |
Galloway |
Department Chair, Psychology/Sociology |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55029 |
Sociology |
cagalloway@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 106 |
High Point Campus |
Jay |
Pennington |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55013 |
Campus Police |
japennington@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 128 |
High Point Campus |
Margaret |
Cox |
Assistant, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50496 |
Financial Aid |
mgcox@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3317 |
Jamestown Campus |
Vicki |
Murray |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
vmurray2@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeremy |
Creech |
Instructor, Biology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50120 |
Biology |
jdcreech@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 330 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dorothy |
Grant |
Technician, Procurement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50520 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
dgrant1@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1171 |
Jamestown Campus |
Andrew |
Henley |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53045 |
Mathematics |
ashenley@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 110 |
Greensboro Campus |
Ralph S. |
Argiento |
Department Chair, Computer Technologies |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50013 |
Information Systems |
rsargiento@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 224-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Tiffany |
Fearrington |
Instructor, Business Administration |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50445 |
Business Administration |
tmfearrington@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Linda |
Myers |
Technician, Procurement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50394 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
lsmyers@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1171 |
Jamestown Campus |
Terraic |
Williams |
Technician, Procurement, Campus Store |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50573 |
Campus Store |
tdwilliams@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1501 |
Jamestown Campus |
Denise |
Egidio |
Instructor, Spanish |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50167 |
Department of Foreign Language |
degidio@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 114 |
Greensboro Campus |
Angela |
Dalton |
Coordinator, Personal and Professional Enrichment |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53022 |
Community Service Programs: S |
ajdalton@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 234 |
Greensboro Campus |
Sarah |
Colonna |
Director, Student Pathways |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55001 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
secolonna@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 148 |
Cameron Campus |
Kelly |
Sutton |
Instructor, Academic Related (ACA) |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50516 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
kmsutton@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.11 |
Jamestown Campus |
Marquita |
Pratt |
Technician, Senior, Campus Store Operations, JT |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50553 |
Campus Store |
mshollingsworth@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1501 |
Jamestown Campus |
MaryAlice |
LaDue |
Assistant, Administrative, Executive |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 57001 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
mtladue@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Cameron Campus |
Manuel |
Dudley |
Vice President, Workforce & Continuing Education |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53122 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
mcdudley@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 139 |
Cameron Campus |
Lisa |
Butterworth |
Instructor, Early Childhood Education |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50438 |
Early Childhood Education |
lnbutterworth@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Harold |
Cox |
Department Chair, Computer Science |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50116 |
Computer Science Applications |
hwcox@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 240 |
High Point Campus |
Karen |
Pentz |
Instructor, Supply Chain |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50376 |
Business Administration |
kcpentz@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-E |
Jamestown Campus |
Patrick |
McLeod |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53067 |
English |
pfmcleod@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 111 |
Greensboro Campus |
Montrisha |
Bethea |
Assistant, Admin, Business & Service Sector Trng |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53024 |
Business and Industry |
mkbethea@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 204 |
Greensboro Campus |
Lindley |
Swift |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53100 |
English |
lnswift@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 113 |
Greensboro Campus |
Violeta |
Herrera |
Assistant, Administrative, Health Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50251 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
vmherrera@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bill |
Crawford |
Manager, Auxiliary Svcs, Shipping & Receiving |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50119 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
wccrawford@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Walls |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50266 |
Housekeeping |
aewalls1@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jacqueline |
Simpson |
Instructor, Sociology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50490 |
Sociology |
jcsimpson@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 252 |
Cameron Campus |
Adam |
Lehman |
Instructor, History |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50631 |
History |
adlehman@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353B |
Jamestown Campus |
Marty |
Hill |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50722 |
Information Technology Svcs |
mehill1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1176 |
Jamestown Campus |
Melissa |
Maley |
Instructor, Religion |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50342 |
Religion |
mlmaley@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 334 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tonya |
Prince-Watkins |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53005 |
English |
taprince@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 122 |
Greensboro Campus |
Robert |
Griffin |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Science |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50456 |
Emergency Medical Science |
rdgriffin@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 236 |
Jamestown Campus |
Steven |
Desch |
Instructor, Astronomy |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50150 |
Physics |
smdesch@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 106 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tony |
Turner |
Director, Program, AMQCP |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59024 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
laturner@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 2 106 |
Aviation Center |
Michael |
Brock |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50059 |
English |
mwbrock@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 111 |
Jamestown Campus |
Supriya |
Parpard |
Specialist, Compliance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50624 |
Finance |
sparpard@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4419 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rebecca |
Halsey |
Instructor, Computer Info Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50239 |
Computer Science Applications |
rwhalsey@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 123-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Vincent |
Hudgins |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Science, OE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50171 |
Emergency Medical Science |
vphudgins@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 234 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bartholomew |
Trescott |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50539 |
English |
bltrescott@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 115 |
High Point Campus |
DraShonta |
Brinson |
Director, Employee Relations |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50235 |
Human Resources |
drbrinson@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4302 |
Jamestown Campus |
Johnny |
Oliver |
Worker, Moving and Set-Up |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
jloliver3@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Carol |
Keck |
Librarian, Technical Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50259 |
Library |
cakeck@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 104 |
Jamestown Campus |
James |
Thompson |
Instructor, Computer Info Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55073 |
Computer Science Applications |
jcthompson@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 234 |
High Point Campus |
Howard |
Barber |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59005 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
hsbarber@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center |
Aviation Center |
Matthew |
Morris |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50390 |
English |
mcmorris@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 328 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jo |
Connors |
Instructor, Healthcare & Office Admin |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50528 |
Healthcare & Office Administra |
jeconnors@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 117-E |
Jamestown Campus |
Linda |
Beitz |
Instructor, Hotel & Restaurant Management |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50039 |
Hospitality Education |
lsbeitz@gtcc.edu |
Koury Hospitality Careers Center 270 |
Jamestown Campus |
Casey |
Hane |
Instructor, Welding Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50764 |
Welding Technology |
crhane@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1521 |
Jamestown Campus |
Edwin |
Powell |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53125 |
English |
etpowell@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 105 |
Greensboro Campus |
Cheryl |
Bryant-Shanks |
Vice President, Associate, Human Resources |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50279 |
Human Resources |
cmbryantshanks@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4301 |
Jamestown Campus |
Corey |
Harris |
Clerk, Shipping & Receiving, Courier |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50446 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
caharris2@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Linda |
Miller Almeida |
Coordinator, Science Laboratory -Physical Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50012 |
Chemistry |
ljmilleralmeida@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 327 |
Jamestown Campus |
Darrin |
Douglas |
Administrator, Network-Telecom |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50749 |
Information Technology Svcs |
dmdouglas@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Shaun |
Shelton |
Instructor, Chemistry |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50485 |
Chemistry |
swshelton@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 300 |
Jamestown Campus |
Fozia |
Rahim |
Technician, Circulation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55052 |
Library |
frahim@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 216 |
High Point Campus |
Larry |
Jones |
Clerk, Shipping & Receiving |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50446 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
ldjones@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Carolyn |
Ingle |
Technician, Procurement, Campus Store |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50410 |
Campus Store |
cwingle@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1504 |
Jamestown Campus |
Wendy |
Browning |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
wdbrowning@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Thomas |
Lantz |
Instructor, Culinary |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50321 |
Culinary Technology |
tjlantz@gtcc.edu |
Koury Hospitality Careers Center 274 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Powell |
Electrician, I |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
mapowell1@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mary |
Wilkinson |
Instructor, NA Training Program |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55092 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
mawilkinson@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 214 |
Greensboro Campus |
Stacey |
Baker |
Coordinator, Clinical, EMS Programs |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50170 |
Emergency Medical Science |
sgbaker1@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 237 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carol |
Dantzler-Harris |
Instructor, Health Info Tech/Medical Office Admin |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50495 |
Healthcare & Office Administra |
cdantzlerharris@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 117-F |
Jamestown Campus |
Jerry |
Hammer |
Coordinator, Lab, Aviation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59023 |
Division Administration Tdiv |
jlhammer@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 2 |
Aviation Center |
Benjamin |
Knight |
Assistant, Moving and Set-Up |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
bknight5@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Stanley |
Peake |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50226 |
Housekeeping |
speake@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 152 |
Aviation Center |
Diana |
Hartley |
Specialist, Senior, Payroll |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50552 |
Payroll |
dkhartley@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4403 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lesharner |
Smith |
Technician, Library Circulation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50453 |
Library |
lcsmith@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Katherine |
Coop |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50109 |
English |
kmcoop@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Cameron Campus |
Don |
Knight |
Specialist, Senior, Research |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50315 |
Planning Research |
deknight@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 2657 |
Jamestown Campus |
Quinn |
McLaughlin |
Instructor, English |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50181 |
English |
qmmclaughlin@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 204-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Willard |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50558 |
Nursing |
akwillard@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 234 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mamie |
Todaro |
Instructor, Business Administration - HR |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50254 |
Business Administration |
mltodaro@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-P |
Jamestown Campus |
Tonya |
Hall |
Assistant, Information |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 0 |
College Information Center |
tbhall@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Freda |
Lane-Crawford |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50266 |
Housekeeping |
fllane1@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1113 |
Jamestown Campus |
Victor |
Smith |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
vasmith@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall |
Jamestown Campus |
Ingrid |
Bullock |
Director, Small Business Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 62003 |
Small Business Center (SBC) |
imbullock@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Off Campus |
Derek |
Seeke |
Instructor, Machining |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53088 |
Machining Technology |
dgseeke@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1410 |
Jamestown Campus |
Claire |
Ricci |
Vice President, Associate, Workforce & Con Ed |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53001 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
cricci@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 146 |
Greensboro Campus |
Richard |
Depolt |
Department Chair, Acct, Bus, Econ & Supply Chain |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50148 |
Business Administration |
radepolt@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Boalick |
Instructor, Biology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50137 |
Biology |
jmboalick@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 336 |
Jamestown Campus |
Margaret |
Ortiz |
Instructor, Surgical Technology/Clinical Coord |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50560 |
Surgical Technology |
mdfox@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 304 |
Jamestown Campus |
Charles |
Bretan |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50063 |
English |
cpbretan@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 211 |
Aviation Center |
Tiffany |
Overby |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50408 |
English |
taoverby@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 125 |
Jamestown Campus |
Garrett |
Ross |
Technician, Network |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50683 |
Information Technology Svcs |
gtross@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Brandon |
Belcher |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50482 |
English |
blbelcher@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 112 |
Greensboro Campus |
LaTia |
Hairston |
Director, Program, Cosmetology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50111 |
Cosmetology |
lahairston2@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 109 |
Jamestown Campus |
Nija |
James |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50704 |
Mathematics |
nrjames@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353-G |
Jamestown Campus |
Jason |
Johnson |
Director, Assistant, Financial Aid, Operations |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50285 |
Financial Aid |
jjjohnson@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3309 |
Jamestown Campus |
Amanda |
Melniczek |
Instructor, Communication |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50165 |
Communications |
admelniczek@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 122 |
High Point Campus |
Ashley |
Anderson |
Instructor, Computer Technologies |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50406 |
Information Systems |
aanderson4@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 315 |
Greensboro Campus |
Selina |
Jaber |
Instructor, Adult Education, ESOL |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53030 |
Basic Skills Programs |
smjaber@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 133 |
Greensboro Campus |
Peggy |
Browley |
Assistant, Administrative, Adult Education |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53035 |
Basic Skills Programs |
pebrowley@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) |
Greensboro Campus |
Robert |
Neal |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
rdneal1@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Jonathon |
Nanton |
Technician, Library Circulation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53063 |
Library |
jgnanton@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 224 |
Greensboro Campus |
Emily |
Lineberry |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50123 |
Nursing |
eclineberry@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 222 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Collins |
Instructor, Computer Info Technology |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50478 |
Computer Science Applications |
mrcollins@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 123-C |
Jamestown Campus |
Logan |
Vestal |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Science, OE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50588 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
lsvestal@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
LaQueta |
Bartley |
Counselor, Disability Access Services/Mental Hlth |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53021 |
Counseling |
lrbartley@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 125 |
Greensboro Campus |
Brandi |
Garrett |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53050 |
Mathematics |
bjgarrett@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 109 |
Greensboro Campus |
Zac |
Goldstein |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50134 |
English |
zjgoldstein@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 121 |
Jamestown Campus |
Zachary |
Jackson |
Department Chair, Communication & Foreign Language |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53083 |
Communication&foreign Language |
zhjackson@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 115 |
Greensboro Campus |
Tracey |
Davis |
Manager, Student Accounts |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50132 |
Finance |
ttdavis@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3403 |
Jamestown Campus |
Thomas Anderson |
Lane |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53009 |
English |
tjlane@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-N |
Jamestown Campus |
Victoria |
Hurrell |
Technician, Admissions, Document Management |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50837 |
Admissions |
vhurrell@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
LaToya |
Richmond |
Coordinator, College Info and Customer Relations |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50836 |
College Information Center |
lsrichmond1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3112 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jay |
Smith |
Department Chair, Creative and Performing Arts |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50166 |
Advertising and Graphic Design |
jgsmith6@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 102-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Muriel |
Williamson |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50314 |
Mathematics |
mwilliamson3@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 352 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mary |
King |
Assistant, Administrative, Aviation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59011 |
Division Administration Tdiv |
meking@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 119 |
Aviation Center |
Gary |
Hayes |
Supervisor, HVAC |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50273 |
Maintenance |
gwhayes@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mitchell |
Johnson |
Vice President, Operations and Facilities |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50287 |
VP Administrative Services |
mjohnson@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1138 |
Jamestown Campus |
Samira |
Khan |
Instructor, IET/IELCE, Adult Education |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53084 |
Basic Skills Programs |
sfkhan@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 155 |
Greensboro Campus |
Sheila |
Johnson |
Analyst, Senior, Programmer, Sharepoint |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50379 |
Information Technology Svcs |
ssjohnson@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1154 |
Jamestown Campus |
Clarence |
Rankin |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
corankin1@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
Wendy |
Magnes |
Instructor, Communication |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50483 |
Communications |
wsmagnes@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 125-D |
Jamestown Campus |
Trey |
Bentley |
Administrator, II, System |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50147 |
Information Technology Svcs |
clbentley@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Deiandra |
Wade |
Counselor, Disability Access Services/Mental Hlth |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50272 |
Counseling |
dswade@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3803 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Kluepfel |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59051 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
wakluepfel@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 121 |
Aviation Center |
Brian |
Barbour |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50639 |
English |
bfbarbour@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Diana |
Dunbar |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
dmdunbar@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
High Point Campus |
John |
Keen |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
jrkeen@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall |
Jamestown Campus |
Dianne |
Davis |
Evaluator, Transfer Credit |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50447 |
Registrars Office |
dmdavis@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3504 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jyoti |
Nair |
Instructor, Physics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50567 |
Physics |
jrnair@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 207 |
Jamestown Campus |
Terri |
Roach |
Department Chair, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50625 |
Mathematics |
tlroach@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 352 |
Jamestown Campus |
Helen |
Cain |
Counselor, Disability Access Services/Mental Hlth |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50414 |
Counseling |
hmcain@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3804 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kristen Ann |
Johnson |
Department Chair, Sciences |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50138 |
Biology |
kljohnson1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 334 |
Jamestown Campus |
Toni |
Wooten-Wright |
Administrator, II, System - Colleague |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50605 |
Information Technology Svcs |
tmwootenwright@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1154 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ashley |
Burnham |
Administrator, II, System - Colleague |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50713 |
Information Technology Svcs |
aburnham@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cynthia |
Jones |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
cajones15@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Shannon |
Burghart |
Director, Program, Early Childhood Education |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50526 |
Early Childhood Education |
sfburghart@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 110 |
Jamestown Campus |
Delavallade |
Parrott |
Clerk, Accounting |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50115 |
Finance |
dsparrott@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 124 |
Jamestown Campus |
Brian |
Martin |
Technician, Procurement, Campus Store |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50250 |
Campus Store |
btmartin1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1504 |
Jamestown Campus |
Pamela |
Hollern |
Director, Program, Paralegal Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53077 |
Paralegal Technology |
pehollern@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 120 |
Greensboro Campus |
Daniel |
Peoples |
Instructor, Academic Related (ACA) |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50331 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
djpeoples@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 117 |
Greensboro Campus |
Sarah |
Warren |
Assistant, Administrative, Executive |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50303 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
skwarren@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4200 |
Jamestown Campus |
Samantha |
Lambillotte |
Coordinator, Academic Tutor, Business & Technology |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50653 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
sjlambillotte@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.14 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joshua |
Deaton |
Advisor, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50461 |
Financial Aid |
jndeaton@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3305 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rebecca |
Rosebrough |
Clerk, Senior, Purchasing |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50308 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
rarosebrough@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1171 |
Jamestown Campus |
Beth |
Pitonzo |
Senior Vice President of Instruction |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50300 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
bjpitonzo@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4201 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bethany |
Barnes |
Instructor, Communication |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50634 |
Communications |
babarnes1@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 125-E |
Jamestown Campus |
Wes |
Helms |
Instructor, AMQCP |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 31277 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
hwhelms@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 2 202 |
Aviation Center |
Megan |
Summers |
Instructor, Communication |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50681 |
Communications |
mmsummers@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 125-G |
Jamestown Campus |
Chris |
Sizemore |
Department Chair, Construction Trades |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53051 |
Building Construction Technolo |
wcsizemore@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 320 |
Greensboro Campus |
Deanna |
Watson |
Instructor, Visual Art |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50139 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
dawatson2@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 218 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kirk |
Chandler |
Director, Athletic/Coach |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50215 |
Athletics |
kdchandler@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 0107 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carmem |
Cavalcanti De Melo |
Specialist, Student Success & Intl Student Advisor |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50076 |
Student Success Services |
clmendonca@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3106 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sheila |
Amos |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
sjamos@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carolyn |
Terry |
Assistant, Administrative, STEM Division |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50151 |
Developmental Ed Div Admin |
cmterry1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 344 |
Jamestown Campus |
Aletta |
Smith |
Director, Assistant, Advising and Onboarding Serv |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50536 |
Student Success Services |
amsmith18@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 125 |
High Point Campus |
Priscilla |
Bohannon |
Director, Asst, Admissions & Assessment |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50226 |
Admissions |
pmbohannon@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3603 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cathryn |
Ayers |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50047 |
Nursing |
cmayers@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 216 |
Jamestown Campus |
Curtis |
Way |
Analyst, Senior, Programmer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50205 |
Information Technology Svcs |
cnway@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1154 |
Jamestown Campus |
Datra |
Delk-Patrick |
Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Nursing Programs |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50462 |
Nursing |
dsdelkpatrick@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 252 |
Jamestown Campus |
Orna |
Shearin |
Specialist, Customer Relationship Management |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50849 |
Marketing Systems |
omshearin@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2300 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jessica |
Labbe |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50498 |
English |
jlabbe@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 204-C |
Jamestown Campus |
Noreen |
Hannon |
Instructor, English |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50744 |
English |
nmhannon@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-I |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Whisman |
Director, Instructional Sup Serv & Spec. Projects |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50556 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
jasawyer1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1667 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jason |
Johnson |
Instructor, English |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50629 |
English |
jwjohnson3@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 107 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ron |
Barrans |
Instructor, Entertainment Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Creative & Performing Arts |
rabarrans@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 146 |
High Point Campus |
Howard |
Kantor |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59030 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
hakantor@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 110 |
Aviation Center |
Kimberly |
Hill |
Specialist, Senior, Human Resources |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50549 |
Human Resources |
kdhill@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4306 |
Jamestown Campus |
M. Timothy |
Mounce |
Instructor, Health & Phys Ed |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50714 |
Physical Education/Health |
mtmounce@gtcc.edu |
Jamestown Campus |
Alexus |
Ware |
Assistant, Administrative, Hum Ser, Pub Saf, BLET |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50349 |
Hum Srvcs-Addiction & Recovery |
alware1@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jaslyn |
Austin |
Assistant, Information |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 0 |
College Information Center |
jharris5@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3101 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ryan |
Bonner |
Director, Assistant, Financial Aid, Cust Relations |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50419 |
Financial Aid |
rjbonner@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3316 |
Jamestown Campus |
Erin |
Evans |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50384 |
Nursing |
ejsears@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 226 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lisa |
Rogers |
Director, Program Performance and Accountability |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53104 |
Basic Skills Programs |
larogers1@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 215 |
Greensboro Campus |
Amy |
Schwartz |
Specialist, Construction/Contracts |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50688 |
Maintenance |
amschwartz@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1134 |
Jamestown Campus |
Matthew |
Rindal |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
mcrindal@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tina |
Cook |
Specialist, Assistive Technology/Counselor |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50113 |
Disability Access Services |
tmcook2@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3804 |
Jamestown Campus |
Andrea |
Lester |
Supervisor, Custodial Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50685 |
Housekeeping |
alester@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1157 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tajauana |
Robinson |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50590 |
Nursing |
tlrobinson5@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 204 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeffrey |
Wallace |
Electrician, II |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
jlwallace@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Rose |
Librarian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50330 |
Library |
marose1@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 130 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rebecca |
Preston |
Instructor, English |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50745 |
English |
rwpreston@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 204-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Amy |
Allen |
Specialist, Senior, Payroll |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50009 |
Payroll |
ahallen1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4403 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ronnal |
Ford |
Instructor, Music |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55080 |
Music |
rvford@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 146 |
High Point Campus |
Tatyana |
Eckert |
Technician, Assessment |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50574 |
Student Support Services |
teckert@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3601 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kira |
Word |
Instructor, Psychology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50608 |
Psychology |
keword@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 313 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ronda |
Chadwick Morris |
Advisor, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50657 |
Financial Aid |
rrchadwickmorris@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3303 |
Jamestown Campus |
Negin |
Najafabadi |
Technician, Admissions, Document Management |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50366 |
Admissions |
nrnajafabadi1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Marcus |
Wilson |
Technician, II, Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
mwilson6@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
James |
Brown |
Instructor, Adult Education, ABE/ASE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55047 |
Basic Skills Programs |
jfbrown1@gtcc.edu |
Basic Skills Building (H3) 115 |
High Point Campus |
Harrison |
Koonts |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
hmkoonts@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Nicolas |
Yale |
Director, Aviation Programs |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59014 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
nayale@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 221 |
Aviation Center |
Kara |
Price |
Advisor, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50277 |
Financial Aid |
khprice1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3306 |
Jamestown Campus |
Stefani |
Debrosky |
Assistant, Administrative, STEM |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50271 |
Associate in Engineering |
sadebrosky@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall |
Jamestown Campus |
Corey |
Crickmore |
Assistant, Administrative, Health Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50400 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
cecrickmore@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 250 |
Jamestown Campus |
Robert |
Stoesen |
Specialist, Research |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50352 |
Planning Research |
rastoesen@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 2654 |
Jamestown Campus |
Leo |
Bridges |
Assistant, Administrative, Health Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50407 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
labridges@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 114 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kirby |
Moore |
Vice President, Associate, Onboarding & Admissions |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50565 |
Student Support Services |
khmoore1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4605 |
Jamestown Campus |
Christina |
Hare |
Instructor, Philosophy |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50743 |
Philosophy |
cahare@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-K |
Jamestown Campus |
Matthew |
Hairston |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53013 |
Mathematics |
mjhairston1@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 106 |
Greensboro Campus |
Rabia |
Bukhari |
Instructor, Chemistry |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50487 |
Chemistry |
rmbukhari@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 304 |
Jamestown Campus |
Anne |
Simpson |
Dean, STEM |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50484 |
Physics |
absimpson1@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 217 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jason |
Wiley |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50174 |
Mathematics |
jlwiley@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 350-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Justin |
Rawley |
Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50095 |
Biology |
jbrawley@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 318 |
Jamestown Campus |
Teresa |
Goins |
Director, Conference Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64003 |
Conference Center |
stlockleargoins@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 116 |
Cameron Campus |
Paul |
Wheeler |
Technician, I, Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Maintenance |
pbwheeler@gtcc.edu |
Auto Body Repair Building |
Jamestown Campus |
Alan |
Hart |
Instructor, Geology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50644 |
Geology |
awhart@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 104 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michael |
Perry |
Director, Assistant, Purchasing & Contract Admin |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50203 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
mdperry2@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1180 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jefferson |
Fortner |
Instructor, English |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50514 |
English |
jlfortner@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 316 |
Jamestown Campus |
Todd |
Zimmer |
Designer, Graphic |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50845 |
Marketing/Public Information |
tzimmer@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 113 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ella |
Pendry |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Science, OE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50237 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
esobrien@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 226 |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
Roesler |
Instructor, Aviation Electronics Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59011 |
Aviation Electronics Tech |
djroesler@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 131 |
Aviation Center |
Zin |
Mar |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
zmar@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Kathleen |
Ronnenberg |
Instructor, Paralegal |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50236 |
Paralegal Technology |
kronnenberg@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 119 |
Greensboro Campus |
Mark |
Dillon |
Instructor, Music |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Creative & Performing Arts |
madillon1@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) |
High Point Campus |
Zeledith |
Blakely |
Dean, Adult Education |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55017 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
zhblakely@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 146 |
Greensboro Campus |
Barbara |
Tornblom |
Instructor, Nursing |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50500 |
Nursing |
bmtornblom@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 228 |
Jamestown Campus |
Erin |
Stearns |
Specialist, Training |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50128 |
Organizational Development |
estearns@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4406 |
Jamestown Campus |
Nathan |
Wilsford |
Director, Program, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59012 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
ncwilsford@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 110 |
Aviation Center |
Daniel |
Reed |
Instructor/Program Director, Aero Manf. & Repair |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59028 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
drreed@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 212 |
Aviation Center |
Patricia |
Drummond |
Instructor, Visual Arts |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50481 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
pddrummond@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 206 |
Jamestown Campus |
Debra |
Coleman |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50658 |
Nursing |
dlcoleman1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 214 |
Jamestown Campus |
Eric |
Mecimore |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Student Success Services |
elmecimore@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 111 |
High Point Campus |
Tiffany |
Thieken |
Instructor, Nursing Assistant Training Program |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50762 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
tathieken@gtcc.edu |
Business Careers (Business Hall) 205 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mike |
Scott |
Administrator, II, System |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50392 |
Information Technology Svcs |
mascott2@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Carrie |
Lilly |
College Photographer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50840 |
Marketing/Public Information |
calilly@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 202 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dr. Jeremy |
Bennett |
Vice President, Associate, Instruction |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50079 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
jdbennett5@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4209 |
Jamestown Campus |
Markegan |
Harris |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50363 |
Information Technology Svcs |
mjharris2@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1176 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kat |
Ingersoll |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50270 |
Information Technology Svcs |
kdingersoll@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1176 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeremiah |
Underwood |
Dean, Human Services and Public Safety |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50378 |
Hum Srvcs-Public Safety Admin |
jwunderwood1@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 235 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bruce |
Wilson |
Instructor, Chemistry |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50219 |
Chemistry |
bgwilson@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 302 |
Jamestown Campus |
Alexis |
Smalley |
Technician, Assessment |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50017 |
Student Support Services |
absmalley@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3601 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lee |
Baker |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Aviation Systems Technology |
lmbaker1@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 2 110 |
Aviation Center |
Nicholas |
Zavediuk |
Instructor, Philosophy |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53082 |
Philosophy |
ndzavediuk@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 101 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Bailey |
Instructor, Visual Art |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50570 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
wgbailey@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 215 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
Mclelland |
Assistant, Administrative, Cosm/Early Childhood Ed |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50081 |
Bus Creative Perf Arts Admin |
admclelland@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 112 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jessica |
Bennett |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50747 |
Mathematics |
jjbennett1@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 212 |
High Point Campus |
Carissa |
Mozingo |
Instructor, Radiography |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50740 |
Radiography |
ccmozingo@gtcc.edu |
Business Careers (Business Hall) 013 |
Jamestown Campus |
Pamela |
Gourley |
Specialist, Academic Achievement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50652 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
plgourley@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.8 |
Jamestown Campus |
Fati |
Seyni |
Technician, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50809 |
Financial Aid |
fseyni@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3312 |
Jamestown Campus |
Diane |
Crawford |
Assistant, Administrative, CAE |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50650 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
dscrawford2@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140 |
Jamestown Campus |
Valerie |
Thomas |
Instructor, Biology |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50340 |
Biology |
vathomas1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 328 |
Jamestown Campus |
Benjamin |
Marlin |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50542 |
Mathematics |
bamarlin@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353-K |
Jamestown Campus |
Bryon |
Feth |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50296 |
Information Technology Svcs |
bjfeth@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) |
Jamestown Campus |
Jonathan |
Skeen |
Instructor, Diesel/Heavy Equipment Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50687 |
Heavy Equipment and Transport |
jdskeen@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1604 |
Jamestown Campus |
Muhammad |
Faizan |
Advisor, Admissions |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50847 |
Admissions |
mfaizan@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2504 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tu |
Nguyen |
Coordinator, University Tfr Svcs & Esports Coach |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50812 |
Transfer Services |
tmnguyen3@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3125 |
Jamestown Campus |
Chrissy |
Moyer |
Assistant, Administrative, Social Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50535 |
Humanities-Soc Sciences Admin |
cmmoyer@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 151 |
Jamestown Campus |
Brad |
Robertson |
Instructor, Criminal Justice |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50261 |
Criminal Justice Technology |
blrobertson1@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 166 |
Jamestown Campus |
Douglas |
Cason |
Instructor, Visual Art |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50066 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
dwcason@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 208 |
Jamestown Campus |
Elizabeth |
May |
Instructor, Entertainment Business |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55074 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
eamay@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 223 |
High Point Campus |
Brett |
Mock |
Instructor, Adult Education, ABE/ASE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53124 |
Basic Skills Programs |
bdmock@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) |
Greensboro Campus |
Amanda |
Phillips |
Specialist, Academic Achievement, Online |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50463 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
ajphillips2@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.7 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kristen |
Corbell |
Director, Institutional Research |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50723 |
Planning Research |
kacorbell@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 2661 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sarah |
Fritz-Craven |
Assistant, Admin, Hum Srv, Pub Saf, EMS, Hth & PE |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50470 |
Human Services Technology |
sefritzcraven@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 237 |
Jamestown Campus |
Tanesha |
Armstrong |
Recruiter, Student |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50135 |
Student Recruitment |
tlarmstrong3@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2201-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Kadidiatou |
Noma |
Technician, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50398 |
Financial Aid |
kanoma@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3311 |
Jamestown Campus |
Felicia |
Williams |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50595 |
Mathematics |
frwilliams@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353F |
Cameron Campus |
Donna |
Wright |
Director, Program, Radiography |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50739 |
Radiography |
dlwright3@gtcc.edu |
Business Careers (Business Hall) 011 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jonathan |
Weaver |
Instructor, Accounting |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50579 |
Accounting |
jwweaver3@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 113 |
Jamestown Campus |
John |
Hartigan |
Director, Assistant, GTCC Foundation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50040 |
Foundation |
jdhartigan@gtcc.edu |
B&I Conference Center 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Maci |
Black |
Administrator, I, System |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50672 |
Information Technology Svcs |
msblack1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1174 |
Jamestown Campus |
Richard |
Warren |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50825 |
English |
rjwarren1@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 322 |
Greensboro Campus |
Jeffrey |
Norvang |
Instructor, HVACR |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53092 |
A/C, Heating, & Refrigeration |
jmnorvang@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 314 |
Greensboro Campus |
Connery |
Swinson |
Technician, CMMS Planner/Scheduler |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
cswinson@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1127 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cynthia |
Velasquez-Flores |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
cavelasquezflores@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Conrad |
Worley |
Manager, Campus, Greensboro |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53025 |
Student Support Services |
rcworley@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 110 |
Greensboro Campus |
Curtis |
Main |
Instructor, Computer Science (Web Development) |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50108 |
Information Systems |
jcmain@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 123-D |
Jamestown Campus |
Erik |
Halbrend |
Administrator, I, System |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64006 |
Information Technology Svcs |
ehalbrend@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Cameron Campus |
Madison |
Gore |
Assistant, Administrative, Student Life |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50173 |
Student Activities |
mdgore1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1202 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lorraine |
Tutt |
Accountant, Senior, Not for Profit |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50386 |
Finance |
eltutt1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4418 |
Jamestown Campus |
Edward |
Carolan |
Instructor, Criminal Justice |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50436 |
Criminal Justice Technology |
ecarolan@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Rachael |
Gibson |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50074 |
Mathematics |
rgibson@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 250 |
Cameron Campus |
Troy |
Graves |
Supervisor, Custodial Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
tlgraves6@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1156 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ronald |
Morris |
Instructor, Automotive Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50129 |
Automotive Systms Tech-General |
rgmorris@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1515 |
Jamestown Campus |
Christina |
Weaver |
Instructor, Nursing |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50569 |
Nursing |
cmweaver@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 220 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Nelson |
Technician, II, Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
wlnelson@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Anthony |
Clarke |
President |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50360 |
Presidents Office |
ajclarke@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4106 |
Jamestown Campus |
Cathy |
Jordan |
Specialist, Adult Education |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53040 |
Basic Skills Programs |
chjordan@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 148 |
Greensboro Campus |
Scott |
Jaeschke |
Director, Student Conduct & Community Standards |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50572 |
Student Conduct and Community |
scjaeschke@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4603 |
Jamestown Campus |
H Louise |
Butler |
Coordinator, Faculty Workload |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50413 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
hbutler@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1668 |
Jamestown Campus |
Mark |
Stevens |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50146 |
Information Technology Svcs |
mjstevens1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1176 |
Jamestown Campus |
Michelle |
Vaughn |
Assistant, Administrative, GB/Student Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53019 |
Student Support Services |
mmvaughn@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 107 |
Greensboro Campus |
Van |
Staley |
Director, Program/Instructor, Truck Driver Trng |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50289 |
Business and Industry |
vrstaley@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 215 |
Greensboro Campus |
Joshua |
Waller |
Technician, II, Registration, Workforce and ConEd |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50234 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
jmwaller2@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1662 |
Jamestown Campus |
Deangela |
Carter |
Navigator Food Nutrition Services E & T |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55009 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
dycarter@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 130 |
High Point Campus |
John |
Berg |
Instructor, Accounting |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50715 |
Accounting |
jaberg@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-O |
Jamestown Campus |
Sara |
O'Hara |
Technician, Admissions, Document Management |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50354 |
Admissions |
ssohara@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Robin |
Whitesell |
Specialist, Career Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50169 |
Career Services |
rfwhitesell@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3123 |
Jamestown Campus |
Keith |
Karriker |
Registrar |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50064 |
Registrars Office |
wkkarriker@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3503 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bernard |
Hadder |
Electrician, I |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
bnhadder@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Wish |
Bailey |
Director, Asst, Admissions & K-12 Partnerships |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50562 |
Admissions |
webailey@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 318 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ana |
Winterich-DiMaria |
Instructor, Biology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50559 |
Biology |
adimaria@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 320 |
Jamestown Campus |
Shaquana |
Dixon |
Assistant, Admin, Culinary Arts & Hospitality |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50114 |
Hospitality Management |
smdixon@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
Colin |
Cutler |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53135 |
English |
cjcutler@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 323 |
Greensboro Campus |
Latasha |
Fleming |
Coach, Student Success |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50698 |
Student Success Services |
lfleming1@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 116 |
High Point Campus |
Patrick |
Fargo |
Instructor, Computer Technologies |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50018 |
Information Systems |
pfargo@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 245-C |
Jamestown Campus |
Von |
Harmon |
Manager, Buildings and Custodial Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Maintenance |
vdharmon@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 152 |
Jamestown Campus |
Steven |
Sullivan |
Instructor, Economics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50163 |
Accounting |
sfsullivan@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-C |
Jamestown Campus |
Bridget |
Hardy |
Campus Police Telecommunicator |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50362 |
Campus Police |
bghardy@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 104 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joshua |
Lovell |
Facilitator, Campus, Titan Link |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50424 |
Student Support Services |
jclovell@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 322-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Elizabeth |
Carmichael |
Worker, Grounds Crew |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Grounds Maintenance |
emcarmichael@gtcc.edu |
Auto Body Repair Building |
Jamestown Campus |
Erica |
Handy |
Coach, Student Success/Women's Basketball |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50025 |
Student Success Services |
ehandy@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3108 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jason |
Wolnek |
Instructor, Aviation Management/Career Pilot |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59010 |
Aviation Management and Career |
jmwolnek@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 208 |
Aviation Center |
Kelly |
Cook |
Director, Program, Dental Assisting/Dental Hygiene |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50347 |
Dental Hygiene |
klcook1@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 101-C |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeffrey |
Denler |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59044 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
jadenler@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 126 |
Aviation Center |
Jennifer |
Feth |
Assistant, Administrative, ICTT |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50054 |
Indust Constuct Trnsport Admin |
jfeth@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1500 |
Jamestown Campus |
Steven |
Fullen |
Instructor, Aviation Manufacturing, OE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59041 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
srfullen@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 2 209 |
Aviation Center |
Monica |
Banks |
Coordinator, Limited Entry Admission |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50415 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
mvbanks@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 140 |
Jamestown Campus |
William |
Hannon |
Instructor, Biology |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55076 |
Biology |
wjhannon@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 326 |
Jamestown Campus |
Gene |
Sapino |
Campus Police Chief |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50097 |
Campus Police |
gdsapino@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joshua |
Boyer |
Analyst, IT Security |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50801 |
Information Technology Svcs |
jaboyer@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ethan |
Martin |
Worker, Ground Crew |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50217 |
Grounds Maintenance |
ejmartin@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 113 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kara |
Baldwin |
Director, Grant Sponsored Programs |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50721 |
Grant Writing |
kbaldwin3@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4203 |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
Tanner |
Director, Nursing Programs |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50426 |
Nursing |
dstanner@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 254 |
Jamestown Campus |
Deven |
Swartz |
Specialist, Digital Marketing |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50763 |
Marketing Systems |
dswartz@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 111 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kecia |
Peterson |
Dean, Associate, Adult Education |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55008 |
Vp Workforce Continuing Edu |
kpeterson2@gtcc.edu |
Basic Skills Building (H3) 123 |
High Point Campus |
Scott |
Ilkenhons |
Instructor, Computer Science (Progm/Database) |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50430 |
Information Systems/Network Ad |
scilkenhons@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 123-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Lancaster |
Instructor, History |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50307 |
History |
jllancaster@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 248 |
Cameron Campus |
Darin |
Webster |
Instructor, Business Administration |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50327 |
Business Administration |
dnwebster@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-R |
Jamestown Campus |
Jahue |
Cayton |
Administrator, I, System |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50712 |
Information Technology Svcs |
jwcayton@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
John |
Bissonette |
Instructor, Visual Art |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50751 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
jtbissonette@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 216 |
Jamestown Campus |
Shawn |
Hill |
Technician, I, Auditing |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55088 |
FTE Auditing |
slhill10@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1658 |
Jamestown Campus |
Robert |
LeMay |
Manager, ITS Network and Security |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50389 |
Information Technology Svcs |
rnlemay@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1164 |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
Pittman |
Vice President, Assoc., Stu Retention & Completion |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55015 |
Student Support Services |
dlpittman@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4602 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ronnie |
Smith |
Manager, ITS Systems |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50661 |
Information Technology Svcs |
rwsmith7@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Vandemeer |
Assistant, Administrative, Health Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50256 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
javandemeer@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 101-E |
Jamestown Campus |
Jonathan |
Hutchins |
Specialist, Academic Achievement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50622 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
jlhutchins@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.6 |
Jamestown Campus |
Melissa |
Graham |
Technician, Senior, Library Technical Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50679 |
Library |
mrgraham3@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 107 |
Jamestown Campus |
April |
Sandoval |
Senior Executive Assistant to the President & BOT |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50360 |
Presidents Office |
adsandoval@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4100 |
Jamestown Campus |
Vanessa |
James |
Instructor, Cosmetology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50486 |
Cosmetology |
vljames@gtcc.edu |
Machinery Hall 110 |
Jamestown Campus |
Raquel |
McCutcheon |
Accountant, Senior |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50684 |
Finance |
rrmccutcheon@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4423 |
Jamestown Campus |
Benjamin |
Lossin |
Instructor, Adult Education, ESOL |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53081 |
Basic Skills Programs |
balossin@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 147 |
Greensboro Campus |
Aaron |
Elmer |
Coordinator, Math & Science, Ctr. for Acd. Engage |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50695 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
amelmer@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.15 |
Jamestown Campus |
Kendra |
Snider |
Instructor, Emergency Medical Science, OE |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50449 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
kksnider@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 230 |
Jamestown Campus |
John |
Ratliff |
Director, Program, Surgical Technology |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50072 |
Surgical Technology |
jdratliff2@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 302 |
Jamestown Campus |
Melissa |
Casey |
Instructor, Nursing |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50694 |
Nursing |
mwcasey@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 218 |
Jamestown Campus |
Nicholle |
Stone |
Director, eLearning |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50060 |
eLearning |
ndstone@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 100-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Penny |
Speas |
Coordinator, Acad Tutor, Writing & World Languages |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50627 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
plspeas@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.13 |
Jamestown Campus |
Joel |
Davis |
Director, Program, Fire Protection Technology |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50616 |
Fire Protection Technology |
jbdavis7@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 235 |
Jamestown Campus |
Timothy |
Courtot |
Department Chair, Manufacturing |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50708 |
Computer-Integrated Machining |
tmcourtot1@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1408 |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
Nicholson |
Director, Program, Criminal Justice Technology |
Associate Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50396 |
Criminal Justice Technology |
dfnicholson@gtcc.edu |
Public Safety 157A |
Jamestown Campus |
Shannon |
Grayson |
Specialist, Academic Achievement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50630 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
sygrayson@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.5 |
Jamestown Campus |
Undrea |
Jenkins |
Facilitator, Campus, Titan Link |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50007 |
Student Support Services |
ujenkins@gtcc.edu |
Main Office (H1) 102 |
High Point Campus |
Mark |
White |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
mawhite8@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center Building 3 |
Aviation Center |
John |
Carstens |
Instructor, Business Administration - General |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50668 |
Business Administration |
jdcarstens1@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-M |
Jamestown Campus |
Julia |
Martins de Sa |
Specialist, Communications |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50293 |
Marketing/Public Information |
jvmartinsdesa@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2301 |
Jamestown Campus |
Gabriel |
Correia |
Instructor, Electrical Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53057 |
Electrical Systems Technology |
gmcorreia@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 318 |
Greensboro Campus |
Brad |
Collins |
Technician, I, HVAC |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 |
Maintenance |
bmcollins@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1167 |
Jamestown Campus |
Karen |
Harvell |
Instructor, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50221 |
Nursing |
kkharvell@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 230 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ty Shaun |
Gray |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
tgray4@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Joel |
Collier |
Advisor, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53111 |
Financial Aid |
jwcollier@gtcc.edu |
Continuing Education Center (CEC) 109 |
Greensboro Campus |
Camille |
Smith |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53093 |
English |
casmith24@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 345 |
Greensboro Campus |
Brad |
Spielman |
Director, Center for Academic Engagement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50489 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
blspielman@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.1 |
Jamestown Campus |
Dean |
Campbell |
Manager, Campus, High Point |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55007 |
Student Support Services |
cdcampbell3@gtcc.edu |
Charles A. Greene Building (H5) 201 |
High Point Campus |
Ann |
Proudfit |
Vice President, Student Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50680 |
Student Support Services |
ahproudfit@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4601 |
Jamestown Campus |
Samara |
Taft |
Instructor, Office Administration |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50602 |
Healthcare & Office Administra |
slsuttontaft@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 117-G |
Jamestown Campus |
Jean |
Kang |
Instructor, Early Childhood Education |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50286 |
Early Childhood Education |
jkang2@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 115 |
Jamestown Campus |
Donald |
Vaudreuil |
Custodian - Conference Center |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Conference Center |
devaudreuil@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry |
Cameron Campus |
Andrew |
Donaldson |
Technician, Preventative Maintenance Fleet |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50863 |
Maintenance |
agdonaldson@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1108 |
Jamestown Campus |
James |
Rudzinski |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50829 |
Mathematics |
jerudzinski@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353 M |
Jamestown Campus |
Astrid |
Ollerenshaw |
Specialist, Academic Achievement (AWESM Program) |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50830 |
Center for Academic Engagement |
aollerenshaw@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 140.3 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jason |
Whiteside |
Instructor, Anatomy and Physiology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50350 |
Biology |
jrwhiteside@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 332 |
Jamestown Campus |
Charley |
Carriker |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59003 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
cccarriker1@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center |
Aviation Center |
Justin |
White |
Manager, ITS Service Delivery |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50245 |
Information Technology Svcs |
jdwhite12@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1162 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jeffrey |
Wyco |
Dean, Industrial, Construction & Transport Tech. |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53128 |
Indust Constuct Trnsport Admin |
jawyco@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1526 |
Jamestown Campus |
Ralph |
Prouty |
Instructor, Mechatronics Eng Tech/Manuf Tech |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53094 |
Mechatronics Engineering Tech |
rpprouty@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 343 |
Greensboro Campus |
Daniel |
Tallerdy |
Worker, Senior, Grounds Crew, Interim |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50374 |
Grounds Maintenance |
detallerdy@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Marion |
Alston |
Assistant, Administrative, ICTT/GSBO Curr Faculty |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53023 |
Indust Constuct Trnsport Admin |
mdalston5@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 107 |
Greensboro Campus |
Andrea |
Powell |
Instructor, Dental Assisting |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50839 |
Dental Assisting |
arpowell1@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 115C |
Jamestown Campus |
Justin |
Lyons |
Director, Marketing and Communications |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50813 |
Marketing/Public Information |
jslyons1@gtcc.edu |
Con Ed Reg & Instruction Support 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jarian |
Johnson |
Director, Assistant, Student Life |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50214 |
Student Activities |
jdjohnson28@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 1205 |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
Frazee |
Dean, Health Sciences |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50351 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
drfrazee@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 112 |
Jamestown Campus |
Reginald |
Ward |
Technician, II, Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Maintenance |
rlward3@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Marcie |
Rowdy |
Coordinator, Benefits |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50703 |
Human Resources |
mlrowdy@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4308 |
Jamestown Campus |
Evan |
Willis |
Worker, Senior, Grounds Crew |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Grounds Maintenance |
ekwillis@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Nicholas |
Foley |
Advisor, Admissions |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50057 |
Admissions |
njfoley@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2506 |
Jamestown Campus |
Pamela |
Anglin |
Director, GTCC Foundation |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50591 |
Foundation |
pranglin@gtcc.edu |
B&I Conference Center 102 |
Jamestown Campus |
Philip |
Kester |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50854 |
Mathematics |
pikester@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353N |
Jamestown Campus |
Laura |
Weil |
Technician, Application and Records, CCP |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50853 |
Student Support Services |
leweil@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 323 |
Jamestown Campus |
JaShaun |
Peele |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50852 |
Mathematics |
jspeele@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353D |
Jamestown Campus |
Christa |
Gann |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50855 |
Mathematics |
cdgann@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353C |
Jamestown Campus |
Caleb |
Davis |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50051 |
Mathematics |
cjdavis4@gtcc.edu |
Greensboro Campus Center (GCC) 121 |
Greensboro Campus |
Rhonda |
McDonnell |
Instructor, English |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50506 |
English |
rrmcdonnell@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 315 |
Jamestown Campus |
Sharon |
Styffe |
Instructor, Business Administration |
Assistant Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50102 |
Business Administration |
smstyffe@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 200-H |
Jamestown Campus |
Nicholas |
Barbato |
Instructor, Drama |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50299 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
nabarbato@gtcc.edu |
Upholstery Building (H2) 158A |
High Point Campus |
Krista |
Morisen |
Instructor, Geology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50003 |
Geology |
klmorisen@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 105 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bobby |
Wilson |
Instructor, Computer Technologies |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50600 |
Information Technology |
bvwilson@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 246 |
Jamestown Campus |
Thomas |
Takayama |
Dean, Business, Creative & Performing Arts |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50647 |
Bus Creative Perf Arts Admin |
tttakayama@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 101A |
Jamestown Campus |
Keyasia |
Johnson |
Clerk, Payroll |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50002 |
Payroll |
ktjohnson3@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4403 |
Jamestown Campus |
Stone |
Yeatts |
Recruiter, Student, On Campus |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50857 |
Student Recruitment |
tsyeatts@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2202-A |
Jamestown Campus |
Sandra |
Mason |
Director, Program, Therapeutic Massage |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55012 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
sgmason1@gtcc.edu |
Business Careers (Business Hall) 113 |
Jamestown Campus |
Scott |
Brallier |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59043 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
sabrallier@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center 127 |
Aviation Center |
Andrew |
Foskey |
Librarian, Instructional |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50067 |
Library |
amfoskey@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 130 |
Jamestown Campus |
Domonica |
Coleman |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
drcoleman1@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers |
Jamestown Campus |
Linda |
Peckham |
Advisor, Financial Aid |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50420 |
Financial Aid |
lapeckham@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3305 |
Jamestown Campus |
Takisha |
Cowley |
Technologist, Instructional, eLearning |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50249 |
eLearning |
tacowley@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 100-H |
Jamestown Campus |
Heather |
Fargis |
Technician, College Printing & Support Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50429 |
Purchasing & Auxilary Services |
hsfargis@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 1106 |
Jamestown Campus |
Amanda |
Boise |
Advisor/Career Coach, Limited Entry Program |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50859 |
Health Sciences Div Admin |
arshirk@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 130 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jonathan |
White |
Instructor, Construction Management |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53042 |
Construction Management |
jewhite2@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 326 |
Greensboro Campus |
Micah |
Nolan |
Instructor, Electrical Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53064 |
Electrical Systems Technology |
mjnolan@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 324 |
Greensboro Campus |
Joshua |
Deaton |
Instructor, Mathematics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53071 |
Mathematics |
jndeaton1@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 353-L |
Jamestown Campus |
Rachel |
Jones |
Technician, Program Performance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55020 |
Basic Skills Programs |
rjones19@gtcc.edu |
Basic Skills Building (H3) 130 |
High Point Campus |
Mayra |
Cline |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
mscline2@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Patrick |
Stevenson |
Advisor, Admissions |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50255 |
Admissions |
pjstevenson@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2507 |
Jamestown Campus |
Erica |
Wetherill |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
ebwetherill@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Edna |
Mundy |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
emmundy@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Michelle |
Hightower |
Instructor, Nursing Assistant Training Program |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53002 |
Health Occ Con Ed |
mhightower@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 222 |
High Point Campus |
William |
Wallace |
Campus Police Officer |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 52529 |
Campus Police |
wbwallace@gtcc.edu |
Service Careers 116 |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Carbon |
Instructor, Dental Sciences |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50513 |
Dental Hygiene |
jcarbon@gtcc.edu |
Dr. Stuart B. Fountain Dental Science Building 101-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Clayton |
Winters |
Analyst, Data |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Information Technology Svcs |
crwinters@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1154 |
Jamestown Campus |
Angela |
McRae |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
almcrae@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Jennifer |
Poole |
Instructor/Simulation Coordinator, Nursing |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50510 |
Nursing |
japoole1@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 213-A |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
Peck |
Instructor, Carpentry |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53086 |
Carpentry |
dapeck@gtcc.edu |
Technical Education Center (TEC) 132-A |
Greensboro Campus |
Karla |
Solis |
Director, Advising and Onboarding Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50659 |
Student Success Services |
kesolis@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3109 |
Jamestown Campus |
Madison |
Turnmire |
Specialist, Audio Visual Event Technology |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 64028 |
Conference Center |
mvturnmire@gtcc.edu |
Cameron-Business and Industry 115 |
Cameron Campus |
John |
Freer |
Instructor, Truck Driver Training |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Business and Industry |
jpfreer@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Greensboro Campus |
Amanda |
White |
Instructor, Nursing |
Professor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50844 |
Nursing |
arwhite4@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 236 |
Jamestown Campus |
Pamela |
Lipsett |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
ptlipsett@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Aviation Center |
Patricia |
Watson |
Designer, Instructional, eLearning |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50030 |
eLearning |
plwatson1@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 100F |
Jamestown Campus |
Deidre |
Jackson |
Assistant, Program, Apprenticeship |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50065 |
VP Curriculum Instruction |
dljackson16@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Valerie |
Fricault |
Instructor, Biology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50306 |
Biology |
vjfricault@gtcc.edu |
Hassell Health Technologies 324 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bartlett |
Ganzert |
Designer, Instructional, eLearning |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50010 |
eLearning |
byganzert@gtcc.edu |
Williams Health Careers (James L. Williams Hall) 100-F |
Jamestown Campus |
Tammy |
Maddox |
Advisor, Access to Achievement |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 53010 |
Basic Skills Programs |
trmaddox@gtcc.edu |
Adult Education Center (AEC) 127 |
Greensboro Campus |
Jocelyne |
Caldera |
Librarian, High Point |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50663 |
Library |
jacaldera@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 216 |
High Point Campus |
Michael |
Snyder |
Technician, I, Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50217 |
Maintenance |
mwsnyder@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
David |
VanDyke |
Instructor, Aviation Systems Technology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 59015 |
Aviation Systems Technology |
drvandyke@gtcc.edu |
Aviation Center |
Aviation Center |
Spenser |
Bailey |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50004 |
Information Technology Svcs |
slbailey2@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) |
Jamestown Campus |
Vanessa |
Pettigrew |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50242 |
Housekeeping |
vhpettigrew@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
Lawrence |
Collins |
Technician, I, Maintenance |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50217 |
Maintenance |
ldcollins1@gtcc.edu |
N/A |
Jamestown Campus |
Muhammad |
Fahad |
Instructor, Physics |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50107 |
Physics |
mfahad@gtcc.edu |
Science Hall 205 |
Jamestown Campus |
Hope |
Johnson |
Instructor, Healthcare and Medical Office Admin |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50475 |
Medical Office Administration |
ahjohnson1@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 117-H |
Jamestown Campus |
Krystyna |
Strickland |
Specialist, Technology Support |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50710 |
Information Technology Svcs |
knstrickland@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) 1176 |
Jamestown Campus |
Heather |
Jones |
Coach, Student Success, Career & College Promise |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50335 |
Student Support Services |
hljones3@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 324 |
Jamestown Campus |
Thomas |
Barksdale |
Director, Assistant, Student Conduct |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50619 |
Student Support Services |
tlbarksdale@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4604 |
Jamestown Campus |
Lori |
Harris |
Assistant, Administrative, Counseling & DAS |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50038 |
Counseling |
lmharris5@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 3808 |
Jamestown Campus |
Robert |
Allar |
Coordinator, Lab, Industrial, Const, & Trans Div |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Industrial Construction Techno |
rjallar@gtcc.edu |
Center for Advanced Manufacturing (6012) |
Jamestown Campus |
Amy |
Addington |
Technician, Admissions, Document Management |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Admissions |
aladdington@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2511 |
Jamestown Campus |
Eugene |
Stroman |
Custodian |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: |
Housekeeping |
ecstroman@gtcc.edu |
Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) |
Jamestown Campus |
Erin |
Yandell |
Assistant, Administrative, Library Services |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50467 |
Library |
eryandell@gtcc.edu |
Learning Resource Center 200 |
Jamestown Campus |
Huei-Mei |
Jhou |
Instructor, Music |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 55075 |
Music |
hjhou@gtcc.edu |
Entertainment Technology Building (H4) 162 |
High Point Campus |
Melisa |
Garcia |
Recruiter, Student, Spanish-speaking |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50882 |
Student Recruitment |
mpalma@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 2202-B |
Jamestown Campus |
Sarah |
Leonard |
Instructor, Visual Art - Art History & Art Apprec |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50667 |
Creative & Performing Arts |
svleonard@gtcc.edu |
Gerrald Hall 110 |
Jamestown Campus |
Bethaney |
Ferguson |
Instructor, Sociology |
Instructor |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50883 |
Sociology |
bwferguson@gtcc.edu |
Sears Applied Technology Center 116-C |
Jamestown Campus |
Jay'na |
Johnson |
Accountant, Staff |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50580 |
Finance |
jvjohnson3@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4408 |
Jamestown Campus |
Drewry |
Vincent |
Assistant, HR, Recruiting |
N/A |
336-334-4822 Ext: 50765 |
Human Resources |
djvincent1@gtcc.edu |
Medlin Campus Center 4300 |
Jamestown Campus |